Re-Purposing and Re-Vitalising Town Centres
A – What are the problems with towns?
B – What is the future of towns?
C – How do we get from the problem to the solution?
- Now that the UK is waking up from its COVID hibernation, we are now beginning to recognise the economic and investment imperatives that are needed to repurpose our urban environments.
- The future of many UK town centre is precarious.
- Even Pre COVID, some local authorities were seeking to re-purpose their town centres. Local authorities need to act as a catalyst for inward investment and visionary planning to create go to destinations for modern life, work, retail and play. Municipal authorities need to attract populations, visitors and investors to avoid them migrating to neighbouring towns and centres.
- There are government funds to help support schemes that would otherwise be unviable using more traditional funding methods, but they will only be released from deliverable schemes; and such funding is likely to be time limited.
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