NUAR in Action
Panel Sessions
Panel Sessions
Do you work for an authority that hasn’t yet taken full advantage of the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR)? NUAR is an interactive digital map of underground pipes and cables, that will revolutionise the way we install, maintain, operate, and repair our buried infrastructure, by improving the way data is shared and accessed. As one of the delivery partners for NUAR, GeoPlace is are running an exclusive highway authority webinar at 2pm on 10 September. Sign up here to hear about other authorities’ experience of using and submitting data to NUAR.
If you are part of a municipal authority – our second webinar takes place at 2pm on 24 September. Sign up here.
Join us at these important sessions where we hope to answer your questions and share the latest updates from the Geospatial Commission.
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If you would like to get in touch give us a call and we can help answer any questions.