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Contract for management of shopping centre and re tender.

North Herts Council own a shopping centre in Hitchin. The centre is earmarked for longer term redevelopment. In the meantime the Council needs to re-tender the contract for the management of the shopping centre. Extending to circa 40 tenants, the management will include day to day management, compliance, rent collection, rent reviews, lease renewals and new lettings together with managing the service charge. I would be grateful to hear from anyone with example management contracts and experience of preparing and issuing a tender for such a contract.

Thank you.

Philip Doggett



Hello Philip
I have a similar but much smaller centre to manage comprising 16 ground floor retail units with residential above as well as first and second floor offices. The property was acquired as part of wider regeneration but this is now not going to happen for the medium to long term. The current agreement with an agent is for the management of the service charge, compliance and security. I am currently reviewing options to tender for a new agreement which would include total management functions of the centre which I expect to include performance measures. Therefore I too would be interested to hear of examples and experiences in tendering and any lessons learned.

Author: benjamin.forsdick@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk

Posted: 2024-09-04 09:04:47

Author: philip.doggett@north-herts.gov.uk

Posted: 3rd September 2024

Replies: 1